Third Millenium Articles | Richard B. Norgaard
Third Millenium Journal Articles
Norgaard, Richard B. 2021. Post Economics: Dynamically, Polycentrically, Reconnecting Reality and Morality to Escape the Econocene. Real-World Economics Review. Invited paper forthcoming
Norgaard, Richard B., John A. Wiens, Stephen B. Brant, Elizabeth A. Canuel, Tracy K. Collier, Virginia H. Dale, Harindra J. S. Fernando, Thomas L. Holzer, Samuel N. Luoma, and Vincent H. Resh. 2021 Preparing Scientist, Policymakers, and Managers for a Fast-Forward Future. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 19(2). Retrieved from
Goddard, Jessica J. Giorgos Kallis, Richard B. Norgaard. 2019. Keeping Multiple Antennae Up: Coevolutionary Foundations for Methodological Pluralism. Ecological Economics 165: 1-9.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2019. Economism and the Econocene: A Coevolutionary Interpretation. Real-world Economics Review 87:114-131.
Latrubesse, Edgardo M., Eugenio Y. Arima, Thomas Dunne, Edward Park, Victor R. Baker, Fernando M. d’Horta, Charles Wight, Florian Wittmann, Jansen Zuanon, Paul A. Baker, Camila C. Ribas, Richard B. Norgaard, Naziano Filizola, Atif Ansar, Bent Flyvbjerg, and Jose C. Stevaux. 2017. Damning the Rivers of the Amazon Basin: Research Perspective. Nature 546:363-369. doi:10.1038/nature22333
Wiens, John A. Joy B. Zedler, Vincent H. Resh, Tracy K. Collier, Stephen Brandt, Richard B. Norgaard, Jay R. Lund, Brian Atwater, Elizabeth Canuel, and Harindra J. Fernando. 2017. Facilitating Adaptive Management in California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science July.
Healey, Michael, Michael Dettinger, and Richard B. Norgaard. 2016. Perspectives on Bay-Delta Science and Policy. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. 14(4): jmie_sfews_33447. Retrieved from:
Francois Bousquet, Aurélie Botta, Luca Alinovi, Olivier Barreteau, Deborah Bossio, Katrina Brown, Patrick Caron, Marco d'Errico, Fabrice DeClerck, Hélène Dessard, Elin Enfors Kautsky , Christo Fabricius, Carl Folke, Louise Fortmann, Bernard Hubert, Danièle Magda, Raphael Mathevet , Richard B. Norgaard, Allyson Quinlan, and Charles Staver. 2016. Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation. Ecology and Society 21(3):40.
Healey, Michael, Michael Dettinger, Cliff Dahm, Peter Goodwin, and Richard B. Norgaard. 2016. The State of Bay-Delta Science 2016 – An Introduction. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science. 14(2) July.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2013. The Delta and the Econocene. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science, 11(3) October.
R. Muradian, M. Arsel, L. Pellegrini, F. Adaman, B. Aguilar, B. Agarwal, E. Corbera, D. Ezzine de Blas, J. Farley, G. Froger, E. Garcia-Frapolli, E. Gómez-Baggethun; J. Gowdy,, N. Kosoy, J.F. Le Coq, P. Leroy, P. May, P. Méral, P. Mibielli, R. Norgaard, B. Ozkaynak, U. Pascual, W. Pengue, M. Perez, D. Pesche, R. Pirard, J. Ramos-Martin, L. Rival, F. Saenz, G. Van Hecken, A. Vatn, B. Vira, K. Urama. 2013. Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions. Conservation Letters 6(4):274-279.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Giorgos Kallis. 2011. Coevolutionary Contradictions: Prospects for a Research Program on Social and Environmental Change. Lead article in a Special Issue on Coevolution, Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 93(4):1-12.
Ackerman, Frank, Elizabeth A. Stanton, Stephen J. DeCanio, Eban Goodstein, Richard B. Howarth, Richard Norgaard, Catherine S. Norman, and Kristen Sheeran. 2010. The Economics of 350. Solutions.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2010. Ecosystem Services: From Eye-Opening Metaphor to Complexity Blinder. 2010. Special issue on Payments for Ecosystem Services. Ecological Economics 69(6):1219–1227.
Gual Font, Miguel Angel and Richard B. Norgaard. 2010, Bridging Ecological and Social Systems Coevolution: A Review and Proposal. For a special issue edited by Gowdy, Kallis and Norgaard. Ecological Economics 69(4):707-717.
Kallis, Giorgos and Richard B. Norgaard. 2010. Coevolutionary Economics. For a special issue edited by Gowdy, Kallis and Norgaard. Ecological Economics 69(4):690-699.
Norgaard, Richard B., Giorgos Kallis, and Michael Kiparsky. 2009. Collectively Engaging Complex Socio-Ecological Systems: Re-Envisioning Science, Governance, and the California Delta. Environmental Science and Policy 12(6): 644-652.
Kallis, Giorgos, Michael Kiparsky, and Richard B. Norgaard. 2009. Adaptive Governance and Collaborative Water Policy: California’s CALFED Bay-Delta Program. Environmental Science and Policy 12(6): 631-643.
Kallis, Giorgos, Joan Martinez-Alier, and Richard B. Norgaard. 2009. Real Debts, Paper Assets: An Ecological-economic Exploration of the Global Economic Crisis. Critical Perspectives on International Business 5 (1/2): 14-25.
Srinivasan, U. Thara, Susan P. Carey, Eric Hallstein, Paul A. T. Higgins, Amber C. Kerr, Laura E. Koteen, Adam B. Smith, Reg Watson, John Harte, and Richard B. Norgaard. 2008. The Debt of Nations and the Distribution of Ecological Impacts from Human Activities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(5): 1768-73.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2008. Finding Hope in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Conservation Biology 22(4): 862-69.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Ling Jin. 2008. Trade and the Governance of Ecosystem Services. Ecological Economics 66(4):638-52.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2007. Deliberative Economics. Ecological Economics 63(2-3):375-82.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Xuemei Liu. 2007. Market Governance Failure. Ecological Economics. 60(3):634-641.
Nelson, Gerald, Elena Bennett, Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Kenneth Cassman, Ruth DeFries, Thomas Dietz, Andrew Dobson, Achim Dobermann, Anthony Janetos, Marc Levy, Diana Marco, Nebojsa Nakicenovic, Brian O’Neill, Richard Norgaard, Gerhard Petschel-Held, Dennis Ojima, Prabhu Pingali, Robert Watson, Monika Zurek. 2006. Anthropocentric Drivers of Ecosystem Change: An Overview. Ecology and Society 11(2) 29
Sneddon, Christopher, Richard B. Howarth, and Richard B. Norgaard. 2006. Sustainable Development in a Post-Brundtland World. Ecological Economics 57(2):253-68.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Paul Baer. 2005. Collectively Seeing Complex Systems: The Nature of the Problem. BioScience 55(11):953-960.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Paul Baer. 2005. Collectively Seeing Climate Change: The Limits of Formal Models. BioScience 55(11):961-966.
Lélé, Sharachchandra and Richard B. Norgaard. 2005. Practicing Interdisciplinarity. BioScience 55(11):967- 975.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2004. Learning and Knowing Collectively. Ecological Economics 49(2):231-241.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2004. Posthuman Enough? BioScience 54(3):258-62.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Paul Baer. 2003. Seeing the Whole Picture. World Futures 59(3-4):225-39.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2003. Which We, Whose Wisdom, Whither the Mountain West? BioScience 53(3):278- 281.
Norgaard, Richard B. 2002. Can Science and Religion Better Save the Environment Together? BioScience 52(8):748-55.
Wackernagel, Mathis, Niels B. Schulz, Diana Deumling, Alejandro Callejas Linares, Martin Jenkins, Valerie Kapos, Jonathan Loh, Norman Myers, Richard B. Norgaard, Jorgen Randers, and Chad Monfreda. 2002. Tracking the Ecological Overshoot of the Human Economy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99:9266-9271. (July 9).
Norgaard, Richard B. 2002. Optimists, Pessimists, and Science. BioScience 52(3):287-92.