Second Millenium Articles | Richard B. Norgaard
Second Millenium Journal Articles
Trainor, Sarah F. and Norgaard, Richard B. 1999. Recreation Fees in the Context of Wilderness Values. Journal of Parks and Recreation Administration 17 (3):101-116.
Ostrom, Lin, Joanna Burger, Chris Field, Richard B. Norgaard, and David Policansky. 1999. Revisiting the Commons: Local Lessons, Global Challenges. Science 284 (April 9):278-282.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1998. A Improvisação do Conhecimento Discordante. Ambiente e Sociedade 1(2):25-40.
Norgaard, Richard B., Collin Bode with the Values Reading Group. 1998. Next, the Value of God, and Other Reactions. (A response to The Value of the World’s Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital by Costanza et al.) Ecological Economics 25(1):37-39.
Dahlsten, Donald L., Evan P. Hansen, Robert L. Zuparko, and Norgaard, Richard B.. 1998. Biological Control of the Blue Gum Psyllid Proves Economically Beneficial. California Agriculture 52(1)35-40.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1997. Economism, Environmentalism, and Ecological Economics (in Portuguese). ANPEC journal.
Rader, Nancy A. and Richard B. Norgaard. 1996. Efficiency and Sustainability in Restructured Electricity Markets: The Renewables Portfolio Standard. The Electricity Journal 9:37-49.
Lélé, Sharachchandra and Richard B. Norgaard. 1996. Sustainability and the Scientist's Burden. Conservation Biology 10:354-65.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1995. Metaphors We Might Survive By. Ecological Economics 15:129-131.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1995. Beyond Materialism: A Coevolutionary Reinterpretation of the Environmental Crisis. Review of Social Economy LIII:475-492.
Bingham, G., R. Bishop, M. Brody, D. Bromley, E. Clark, W. Cooper, R. Costanza, T. Hale, G. Hayden, S. Kellert, R. B. Norgaard, B. Norton, J. Payne, C. Russell, and G. Suter. 1995. Issues in Ecosystem Valuation: Improving Information for Decision Making. Ecological Economics 14:73-90.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1995. Intergenerational Commons, Globalization, Economism, and Unsustainable Development. Advances in Human Ecology 4:141-171.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1994. The Process of Loss: Exploring the Interactions between Economic and Ecological Systems. Science as a Way of Knowing: Biodiversity. The American Zoologist 34:145-58.
Howarth, Richard B. and Richard B. Norgaard. 1993. Intergenerational Transfers and the Social Discount Rate. Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics 3:337-358.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Richard B. Howarth. 1993. Resolving Economic and Environmental Perspectives on the Future. Research on Social Problems and Public Policy 5:225-241.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1992. Sustainability as Intergenerational Equity: Economic Theory and Environmental Planning. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 12:85-124.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1992. Coordinating Disciplinary and Organizational Ways of Knowing. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and the Environment 42:205-216.
McNeely, Jeffrey A. and Richard B. Norgaard. 1992. Developed Country Policies and Biological Diversity in Developing Countries. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and the Environment 42:194-204.
Howarth, Richard B. and Richard B. Norgaard. 1992. Environmental Valuation Under Sustainable Development. American Economic Review 82(2):473-477.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1992. Sustainability: The Paradigmatic Challenges to Agricultural Economics. In G.H. Peters and B. F. Stanton (eds). Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Conference of Agricultural Economists (pages 92-101). Dartmouth. Hants, England.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1992. Environmental Science as a Social Process. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 20:95-110.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1991. Sustainability: Three Methodological Suggestions for Agricultural Economics. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics 39:637-645.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1991. Una Interpretazione Coevolutiva della InsostenibilitB della ModernitB (A Coevolutionary Interpretation of the Unsustainability of Modernity). Oikos (Revista Quadrimestral per Una Ecologia delle Idee, Italian) 3:141-166.
d'Arge, Ralph, Richard B. Norgaard, Mancur Olsen, Jr, and Richard Somerville. 1991. Economic Growth, Sustainability, and the Environment. Contemporary Policy Issues IX(1)1-23.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1990. Economic Indicators of Resource Scarcity: A Critical Essay. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 19:19-25.
Howarth, Richard B. and Richard B. Norgaard. 1990. Intergenerational Resource Rights, Efficiency, and Social Optimality. Land Economics 66(1):1-11.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1989. Models and Knowledge in Ecology and Economics. Anuari 7:188-99.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1989. Three Dilemmas of Environmental Accounting. Ecological Economics 1:303-314.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1989. The Case for Methodological Pluralism. Ecological Economics 1:37-57.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1988. Sustainable Development: A Coevolutionary View. Futures (December):606-620.
Lélé, Sharad M. with Norgaard, Richard B. and D. K. Subramanian. 1988. Hydropower Project Design Incorporating Submergence Costs. Journal of Environmental Management
Hecht, Susanna, Richard B. Norgaard, and Giorgio Possio. 1988. The Economics of Cattle Ranching in Eastern Amazonia. Interciencia 13(5):233-240.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1988. The Biological Control of Cassava Mealybug in Africa. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 70(2):366-371.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1988. The Oyster Beds of Ao Ban Don. Land Economics 64(1):83-85.
Hecht, Susanna, Richard B. Norgaard, and Giorgio Possio. 1988. A Economia da Pecuária na Amazónia Oriental. (Translated by Laura Teixeira Motta) Estudos Economicos 18(1)93-111.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1988. Economics of the Cassava Mealybug (Phaenacoccus manihoti; Hom., Pseudococcidae) Biological Control Program in Africa. Entomophaga 33(1):3-6.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1987. Economics as Mechanics and the Demise of Biological Diversity. Ecological Modeling 38:107-121.
Stone, N. D., A. P. Gutierrez, W. M. Getz, and R. B. Norgaard. 1986. Strategies for Pink Bollworm Control: An Economic Simulation Study. Hilgardia 54(9):1-56.
Norgaard, Richard B. and John A. Dixon. 1986. Pluralistic Project Design: An Argument for Combining Economic and Coevolutionary Methods. Policy Sciences 19:297-317.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1986. Environmental Evaluation Techniques and Optimization in an Uncertain World. Land Economics 62(2): 210-13.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Gwo Jiun Leu. 1986. Petroleum Accessibility and Drilling Technology: A Case Study of U.S. Petroleum Development from 1959 to 1978. Land Economics 62(1):14-25.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1985. Environmental Economics: An Evolutionary Critique and a Plea for Pluralism. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 12:382-394.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1984. Traditional Agricultural Knowledge: Past Performance, Future Prospects, and Institutional Implications. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 66(5):874-878.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1984. Coevolutionary Development Potential. Land Economics 60(2):160-173.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1984. Coevolutionary Agricultural Development. Economic Development and Cultural Change 32(3):525-546.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1981. Sociosystem and Ecosystem Coevolution in the Amazon. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 8:238-254.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1981. A Significacao do Potencial para Produzir Arroz com Irrigacao Controlada na Varzea Amazonica. (The Significance of the Potential to Produce Paddy Rice on the Amazon Flood Plain.) Revista de Economia Rural 19(2):287-313.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1981. Desenvolvimento Agricola e Transformacao Ambiental na Terra Firma Amazonica. (Agricultural Development and Environmental Transformation in Terra Firme Amazonia.) Ciencia e Cultura. January.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1976. The Economics of Improving Pesticide Use. Annual Review of Entomology.
Hall, Darwin C. Norgaard, Richard B., and Pamela True. 1975. The Performance of Independent Pest Management Consultants in San Joaquin Cotton and Citrus. California Agriculture. October.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1975. Scarcity and Growth: How Does It Look Today? American Journal of Agricultural Economics 57:810-14.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1975. Resource Scarcity and New Technology in U.S. Petroleum Development. Natural Resources Journal 15:265-282. (see also my Comment on a related study and the author's reply, Land Economics February 1976.)
Norgaard, Richard B. and Darwin C. Hall. 1974. Environmental Amenity Rights, Transactions Costs, and Technological Change. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 1:251-267.
Norgaard, Richard B. and Alan C. Lichtenberg. 1974 Energy Policy and the Tax Treatment of Oil and Gas Income. Natural Resources Journal 14(4):501-18.
Hall, Darwin C. and Richard B. Norgaard. 1973. On the Timing and Application of Pesticides. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 55(2):198-201 (see also Comment and Reply in 1974 56(3):644-5).
Norgaard, Richard B. 1972. Petroleum Development in Alaska: Prospects and Conflicts. Natural Resources Journal 12(1):83-107.
Norgaard, Richard B. 1971. Streamflow and Sediment Deposition in the Lower Columbia. Water Resources Research 7(5):1199-1207
Norgaard, Richard B. 1968. Streamflow Fluctuation, Bar Roughness, and Bed Load Movement: A Hypothesis. Water Resources Research 4(3):647-650.